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173 Words Created Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 Modified Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000

Yo! 👋

Yep, I’m using a theme that looks exactly like GitHub’s! I stumbled upon it while browsing Hugo themes. I figured since I spend a lot of time browsing GitHub, I’d use it! I had to make quite a few modifications to the original theme so that it would be more academic oriented. Even reached out to GitHub folks early January (2021) to get the ok (never heard back though >.>), so here we are! Now with that out the way…

Welcome and thank you for stopping by! I’m Robert Petit (puh-teet, not pet-it), and I currently work as a bioinformatician with the Wyoming Public Health Laboratory. My work involves building up the bioinfomatic capacity for WPHL and facilitating bioinformatic training. In my personal time I am continuing to develop Bactopia, a bacterial genome analysis pipeline.